Cost-efficient Kubernetes

Dedicated coming soon
vCPUMemoryStorageBandwidthTrafficMonthly (excl. vat)
12 GiB20 GiB400 Mbit/s1 TiB$6.00
24 GiB30 GiB600 Mbit/s2 TiB$12.00
48 GiB40 GiB800 Mbit/s4 TiB$24.00
816 GiB50 GiB1000 Mbit/s6 TiB$48.00
ProductMonthly (excl. vat)
Load Balancers$8.00
High Availability (HA) Control Plane$40.00
Block Volumes (per GiB)$0.08
Object Storage (per GiB) beta$0.02
Display prices per minute

More Kubernetes for less

Don't let price be a bottleneck. Run managed k8s at a reasonable rate on the latest hardware.

Estimated montly costs

Cluster with 58GiB 4vCPU nodes

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What forms of payment do you accept?

    We currently accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and Diners.
  • How does per minute billing work?

    You are charged the per minute rate for a service starting the instant the service was created. Your monthly invoice will only bill you for your per-minute usage for the invoiced period.
  • When am I billed?

    Invoices are created monthly, one month after your first order. However you may get a mid-month invoice if your account exceeds a certain monthly limit, usually $50 for new accounts.
  • Does Symbiosis collect taxes?

    Taxes are calculated based on your billing address. Your billing address, payment method and company tax ID can be configure under billing settings in the Web UI.
  • How is traffic measured?

    Traffic is calculated on a node-by-node basis. Only outbound (egress) traffic counts towards your monthly quotas. Inbound or internal traffic is excluded.
  • What happens if the monthly traffic quota is exceeded?

    Overages will be billed at $0.005 for each GiB over the network traffic quota.
  • Is network bandwidth guaranteed?

    The per-node bandwidth is the minimum throughput that can be expected under normal circumstances. Nodes are guaranteed half of the advertised bandwidth in cases when the network is under abnormally high load.
  • What is the cost for Object Storage bandwidth?

    Ingress traffic is free of charge. Egress traffic is billed monthly at $0.005 per GiB. The first 50 GiB of egress each month is free of charge.