Getting started

How to get started with Symbiosis and Kubernetes

Creating a Cluster

Get started by setting up your first Kubernetes cluster in Symbiosis

Deploying a Container

Build and launch a docker container to your Kubernetes cluster

Using the CLI

Manage your cloud resources with our developer friendly CLI


Learn more about our core features

Control Planes

Learn how your control planes are used to manage your Kubernetes clusters


Create pools of node to handle your workloads


Create persistent volumes for databases, object storage or other stateful applications

How to

Learn the different ways you can use Symbiosis

Launching a Postgres database

Launch highly available DBs with automatic backups, prometheus monitoring, rolling upgrades and more

Using Horizontal Pod Autoscalers

Scale the number of pod replicas based on metrics like CPU and memory usage

Infrastructure-as-code with Pulumi

Configure your environments in your programming language of choice

Manage clusters with Terraform

Neatly structure your Kubernetes infrastructure using our Terraform plugin

Configuring Load Balancers

Enable external access to your containers by using load balancers and ingresses


More on Symbiosis and what we are building


Our security principles for development and infrastructure