
Offer enterprise grade Kubernetes-as-a-Service with the Symbiosis Platform.

Trusted By

The enterprise grade platform for self-serve k8s

Command-line interface
Horizontal autoscaling
IaC (Terraform & Pulumi)
Role-based access controls
Integrated CI/CD
Integrated GitOps
Multi-tenant L2 networking
Customizable cluster templates
Dual-stack (IPv4 & IPv6)
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Reliable. Scalable. Secure.

Symbiosis is built with performance and zero-trust principles at its core.

Included support

Get support and access to root case analysis if things go awry.

Automatic scaling

Cloud infrastructure that scales automatically and in record time.

EU-based 🇪🇺

Made and hosted in the EU — with privacy and GDPR compliance as top priorites.

Volumes & storage

Highly available and encrypted block storage via the Symbiosis CSI driver.

Instant Environments

Don't limit yourself to shared environments. Avoid bottlenecks by creating isolated prod-like clusters on a whim.
# Install command-line
~ brew install symbiosis-cloud/tap/sym

# Sign-up or sign-in
~ sym login

# Create a k8s cluster
~ sym cluster create
  • Your weapon of choice
    DX-friendly management through CLI, Terraform, Pulumi, UI or SDK.
  • Giddy up!
    Environments up and running in under two minutes. Scale your node pools in just a minute.

Become a Symbiosis partner

Integrate the Symbiosis platform to empower your users with the best Kubernetes experience.